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quinta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2015

Dutch right-to-die group promotes euthanasia in schools

Your father has a right to euthanasia. He has an advance directive not to be resuscitated  
The Dutch Voluntary End of Life Association (NVVE) is rolling out is latest project to bolster public support and acceptance of euthanasia – a school curriculum program called ‘euthanasia – dead normal’.
The curriculum, launched last week, aims to provide high school students with “accessible information” about euthanasia, helping them to “have respect” for those who chose to end their lives.
Representatives of the NVVE will visit schools and guide students through the materials. There are videos offering ‘different’ (though all supportive) perspectives on euthanasia: a 26 year old womanwith muscular dystrophy who opted for euthanasia; a 17 year old girl who’s grandmother asked for euthanasia; and a doctor who performs euthanasia.
There is also a cartoon infographic guiding children through the steps involved in euthanasia. At the end of the materials one finds a ‘black humour’ section, intended to lighten up the rather heavy subject for young children.
The first class was run last Thursday morning at Amsterdam North’s Hyperion Lyceum. NVVE director Robert Schurink and employee Wiek Heldens led the first class, with subsequent classes to be run by teachers from the school.
Producing a school curriculum program has been a “long cherished wish” of the NVVE, and they are very happy with the resources that have been released. 

CEBID - Centro de Estudos em Biodireito

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